Tuesday, June 28, 2011

January 3, 2011 was the date I decided to change my life!

I've been on the weight rollercoaster as far as I can remember. As a kid, I was on the "chubby" side and thank God for the swimming team coaching staff that recruited my sister and my Dad for almost forcing me to join the team too because I would probably be obese by now.

I struggle with my weight for the longest time, trying all kinds of stupid diets (you know when you're young and willing to try anything like the grapefruit diet, the cabbage soup diet...). I've always been fairly active. At 20, I signed up for a lifeguard course thta was going to be taking place in Florida in December of 1996. I signed up to a gym and tried to get ready for the event... that was my 1st encounter with a real gym!

I've tried everything, expensive supplements, cleanses, personal trainers even illegal substances. I remember one of my personal trainer told me one day "Sophie, the secret to a great shape is 80% your diet..." I should've listen to you sooner Larry! He was dead on. There is no easy way but discipline, commitment, consistancy and dedication.

The first few months I moved to Kingston, I lived the good life. I got an on-call job for the Government so rarely worked and i was living on my ex's boat so come with this beer, junk food and... did I say beer?! ot too good for the weight not too healthy either. Then I decided that my 2011 resolution was to loose some weight and get in the best shape of my life... never thought I would end up like that!

January 3, I started to go to the gym on a regular basis which is 5-7 times a week and my Ex wanted to start working out as well. Tried my gym, tried a few others and found one... THE perfect one... new, clean, not busy, no juiced heads and here I am!